Go Green

Driving India's Green Future

E-Parivahan, a flagship initiative by Mali Enterprises Private Limited, dedicated to engineering a greener future for transportation in North India. Since 2017, we've been pioneering sustainable solutions to revolutionize urban mobility while reducing environmental impact.

  • Innovation Leaders: Engineering cutting-edge, eco-friendly transportation solutions for urban mobility.
  • Sustainability Pioneers: Committed to reducing environmental impact through advanced electric vehicles.
  • Quality Assurance: Ensuring excellence in every aspect, from manufacturing to performance.

Meet Our Leader

Mr. Roshan Goyal, our Founder and CEO, is the visionary driving E-Parivahan's commitment to sustainability and innovation. With his leadership, we're pioneering green technology in the electric vehicle industry, guided by a passion for excellence and environmental responsibility.

Our Product

Empowering Sustainable Mobility with
Innovative Electric Solutions


The E-Parivahan E Richshaw is designed to redefine urban mobility. Perfect for navigating through the busy streets of India, this electric rickshaw combines eco-friendliness with cutting-edge technology and robust design. It's not just a ride; it's a smart, sustainable travel solution that supports both your transportation and environmental goals.


The E-Loader from E-Parivahan is designed to make load handling effortless and eco-friendly. Ideal for urban and semi-urban areas, this electric loader combines robust performance with zero emissions, making it perfect for businesses looking to enhance efficiency while reducing their carbon footprint.

E-Garbage Loader

The E-Garbage Loader from E-Parivahan is an innovative solution designed to tackle urban waste management challenges efficiently and sustainably. This electric garbage collection vehicle is perfect for municipalities, residential complexes, and commercial areas, combining high-capacity waste handling with zero emissions.

Our Mission

At E-Parivahan, we are driven by a bold mission to revolutionize urban transportation in India and beyond. Our core mission is to provide cutting-edge, eco-friendly solutions that redefine mobility while minimizing environmental impact. We are dedicated to making clean, efficient electric vehicles accessible, affordable, and reliable for every individual and every city. Through relentless innovation and a commitment to excellence, we strive to transform the way people move, ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.

Our Vision

Our vision is ambitious yet achievable: we envision a future where every Indian city is powered by clean, efficient electric vehicles, with E-Parivahan leading the charge in green technology and setting industry standards worldwide. We aspire to be more than just a manufacturer; we aim to be pioneers in sustainable transportation, driving global change through our innovations. Our vision extends beyond mere business success; we see ourselves as catalysts for positive environmental change, shaping a world where mobility is not just convenient but also environmentally responsible. With unwavering dedication to excellence and a relentless pursuit of innovation, we are committed to shaping a brighter, greener future for all.

Why Choose Us?


Zero emissions, contributing positively to urban air quality


Lower operational costs and minimal maintenance.


High-quality, durable design for lasting performance.

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